is the best source to learn how to write a Thrift IDL.
Then just like with Web Services, the thrift service invocations will agree on the wire and enable multiple programming language implementations to talk to each other. Thrift provides a Binary RPC protocol for supporting service invocations, and it provides toolkits to generate thrift binding for several languages, including Java, C, C++ etc. The import statements use the names from the. This Java example, we want to import the generated code. We want to use the Thrift-generated interface from "regular" code.
#Thrift idl code
Java_thrift_library ( name = 'precipitation-java', sources =, dependencies =, provides = artifact ( org = '', name = 'precipitation-thrift-java', repo = public ), ) python_thrift_library ( name = 'precipitation-python', sources =, dependencies =, provides = setup_py ( name = '-thrift-python', version = '0.0.1', ) ) python_thrift_library ( name = 'monolithic-precipitation-python', sources =, dependencies =, provides = setup_py ( name = '-precipitation-thrift-python', version = '0.0.1', ) ) Using in "Regular" Code Precipitation.thrift to depend on distance.thrift, we set up For Python code, however, useĪs with "regular" languages, for one target's code to include another's,Ī target should have the other in its dependencies. Java, it can also generate other target languages via the language While the name java_thrift_library might make you think it generates Options are specified we use the defaults however, if we need moreĬontrol over how code is generated we control that through arguments Target will simply see generated code from the IDL. Java_thrift_library ( name = 'distance-java', sources =, provides = artifact ( org = '', name = 'distance-thrift-java', repo = public ), ) python_thrift_library ( name = 'distance-python', sources =, provides = setup_py ( name = '-thrift-python', version = '0.0.1', ) ) python_thrift_library ( name = 'unexported-distance-python', sources =, )Īnd this target staked its claim to our distance thrift IDL file. This example sets up a java_thrift_library target its source is Java_thrift_library with carefully-chosen parameters.) Other targetsĬan depend on a lang_thrift_library and their code can then import Scala library targets whose code is Thrift-generated by setting up Target Thrift works similarly, but you use a different target type that Java_library target with sources *.java and then depend on that Normally, to make, e.g., Java code usable, you set up a You have some Thrift you want to use it from your "regular" programming To make the import work, your code's BUILD target depends on theĪppropriate Thrift BUILD target. YouĬan write code in your favorite language that imports the generatedĬode. For each Thrift file you use, your codebase has someīUILD targets that represent "real" code generated from IDL code. Should be able to communicate over Thrift interfaces by using this Two programs, perhaps in different programming languages, ThereĪre tools to generate code in "real" programming languages from Thrift It uses an Interfaceĭefinition Language (IDL) to define these types and interfaces. Working with data types and service interfaces.